
Showing posts from June, 2020

vinyasa yoga vs hatha yoga, which is best for me ?

vinyasa yoga vs hatha yoga         Vinyasa yoga                                                                    Hata yoga                                                                                                               1 Defination:  “The Sanskrit word Vinyasa comes from a prefix vi, which means variation, and a suffix, nyasa, which means ‘within prescribed parameters." Defination:   Haṭha yoga is a branch of yoga. The Sanskrit word हठ haṭha literally means "force" and thus alludes to a system of physical techniques. In India, haṭha yoga is associated in popular tradition with the Yogis of the Natha Sampradaya through its traditional founder Matsyendranath.    2 what is vinyasa yoga? Vinyasa Yoga is a style of yoga as exercise created by K. Pattabhi Jois during the 20th century, often promoted as a modern-day form of classical Indian yoga. He claimed to have learnt the system from his teacher, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya .  what is Hata yoga? The Sanskrit

Corona Virus how to increase immune system to fight against corona virus tells Yog Guru Baba ramdev.

tadasana yoga pose to fight against corona virus. Tadasana, [Mountain Pose or Samasthiti] is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise; it is not described in medieval hatha yoga texts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas. Swami Ramdev, shares effective yoga pose tips and home remedies that everyone should incorporate in their lifestyle to fight the dangerous disease. He suggests adopting Ayurvedic remedies along with doing tadasana Yoga sanas to stay safe. tadasana yoga tips to fight against Corona virous. Description : It is basic  standing asana   in most forms of yoga pose   with feet together and hands at the sides of the body.  There is some contention between different styles of yoga regarding the details of the asana which results in some  variations . The posture is entered by standing with the feet together, grounding evenly through the feet and lifting up through the crown of the head.  The thighs are lifted, the waist is lifted, and the spine is elongat

which yoga pose helpfull for back pain? and How can reduce back pain by yoga?

yoga poses for back pain { yoga pose for lower back pain.} If you’re deal with back pain, yoga may be just what the doctor ordered.  Yoga is a mind or body therapy that’s often recommended to treat not only back pain but the stress that accompanies it.  The appropriate poses  can relax and strengthen to your body. Practicing yoga for even a few minutes a day can help you gain more awareness of your body.  This will help you notice where you’re holding tension and where you have imbalances. You can use this awareness to bring yourself into balance and alignment.  can yoga is useful to reduce to your back pain? YES  definitely  yoga is useful to reduce back pain to our body. Keep reading to learn more about how these poses may be useful in  back pain. there are so many  yoga poses   to reduce our body back pain. 1. Cat-Cow   Start on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders, and your knees directly under your hips.  Point your fingertips to the top of your ma

what is hatha yoga ? step by step full information of hatha yoga.

what is  hata yoga?  step by step full information of hatha yoga. Haṭha yoga  is a branch of yoga.   h aṭha  literally means "force" and thus alludes to a system of physical techniques. In India, haṭha yoga is associated in popular tradition with the Yogis of the nath samprad a ya   through its traditional founder  Matsyendranath .  Almost all hathayogic texts belong to the Nath siddhas , and the important ones are credited to Matsyendranath's disciple, gorakhnath  or Gorakshanath. how to begin yoga practice STEP 1: ARM RAISES   Stand with your feet parallel, hip-distance apart, and your arms relaxed at your sides. Take a few breaths before proceeding. Inhaling, raise your arms to the front and over your head. Pause at the top. Exhaling, lower your arms. Repeat six times, carefully synchronizing the duration of the movements to the duration of your breath. Then go into the posture and stay for one breath. Lower the arms.  Return to the posture for two breaths. Lower the a

Most Popular Yoga Poses for Beginners

   Top Most Popular Yoga Poses for Beginners   practice. As a  begin yoga practice home  student, I am your yoga teacher ,you might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of yoga poses and their odd-sounding names. As you progress, you can take on more challenging poses, but it's a good idea to keep things simple when you're just starting out. The basic poses outlined here are valuable enough to keep you  Practicing yoga  occupied for a long time. WHAT IS YOGA ?   how to begin yoga practice? Types of  yoga Poses: [1]     Lotus pose [2]    Vinyasa yoga [3]      Hatha yoga [4]    Iyengar yoga [5]      Kundalini yoga [6]    Ashtanga yoga [7]    Bikram yoga [8]    Yin yoga [9]    Restorative yoga [10]   Prenatal yoga [11]   Anusara yoga [12]   Jivamukti yoga {1}     LOTUS YOGA   how to begin yoga practice Step 1 Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front. Bend your right knee and bring the lower leg up into a cradle: The outer edge of the foot is notched into the crook of the