Corona Virus how to increase immune system to fight against corona virus tells Yog Guru Baba ramdev.
tadasana yoga pose to fight against corona virus.
Tadasana, [Mountain Pose or Samasthiti] is a standing asana in modern yoga as exercise; it is not described in medieval hatha yoga texts. It is the basis for several other standing asanas.
Swami Ramdev, shares effective yoga pose tips and home remedies that everyone should incorporate in their lifestyle to fight the dangerous disease. He suggests adopting Ayurvedic remedies along with doing tadasana Yoga sanas to stay safe.

tadasana yoga tips to fight against Corona virous.
Description :
It is basic standing asana in most forms of yoga pose with feet together and hands at the sides of the body.
There is some contention between different styles of yoga regarding the details of the asana which results in some variations.
The posture is entered by standing with the feet together, grounding evenly through the feet and lifting up through the crown of the head.
The thighs are lifted, the waist is lifted, and the spine is elongated. Breathing is relaxed.
Tāḍāsana is a basic asana, it is the basis for many standing asanas.
As such, it is important as it allows the body and consciousness to integrate the experience of the preceding āsana.
[1] TADASANA : This will give strength to mental and physical form. By doing this Yogasan, addiction of cigarette and alcohol is also traeted.
1 step:
Stand with the bases of your big toes touching, heels slightly apart (so that your second toes are parallel).
Lift and spread your toes and the balls of your feet, then lay them softly down on the floor. Rock back and forth and side to side.
Gradually reduce this swaying to a standstill, with your weight balanced evenly on the feet.
Lift and spread your toes and the balls of your feet, then lay them softly down on the floor. Rock back and forth and side to side.
Gradually reduce this swaying to a standstill, with your weight balanced evenly on the feet.
Lift and spread your toes and the balls of your feet, then lay them softly down on the floor. Rock back and forth and side to side.Gradually reduce this swaying to a standstill, with your weight balanced evenly on the feet.
2 step:
Firm your thigh muscles and lift the knee caps, without hardening your lower belly.
Lift the inner ankles to strengthen the inner arches, then imagine a line of energy all the way up along your inner thighs to your groins, and from there through the core of your torso, neck, and head, and out through the crown of your head.
Turn the upper thighs slightly inward.
Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor and lift the pubis toward the navel.
3 step:
Press your shoulder blades into your back, then widen them across and release them down your back.
Without pushing your lower front ribs forward, lift the top of your sternum straight toward the ceiling.
Widen your collarbones. Hang your arms beside the torso.
4 step:
Balance the crown of your head directly over the center of your pelvis, with the underside of your chin parallel to the floor, throat soft, and the tongue wide and flat on the floor of your mouth. Soften your eyes.
5 step:
Tadasana yoga is usually the starting position for all the standing poses. But it's useful to practice Tadasana as a pose in itself.
Stay in the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing easily.
Benefits of tadasana yoga :
1 You can improve your balance in this pose by standing with your inner feet slightly apart, anywhere from 3 to 5 inches.
- 2 One of the best yoga poses to increase height.
- 3 Stimulates nervous system.
- 4 Improves body posture and balance.
- 5 Regulate the menstrual cycle in women.
- 6 Tone your buttocks and abdomen.
- 7 Strengthens your ankles, knees, thighs, arms, and legs.
- 8 Improves the function of the respiratory and digestive system.